Pet Safety Tips for the 4th of July

As we celebrate the founding of our great nation, we pet lovers must also remember that the same things we’re accustomed to on Independence Day can be frightening and dangerous for the animals we love.

Sadly, more pets are lost on the 4th of July than any other day of the year.  Fireworks and other loud noises can be a terrifying experience for pets, causing them anxiety, disorientation, and even physical illness such as upset stomach.  There are other dangers too, like unattended alcoholic drinks at parties, lighter fluid, and glow sticks that can poison our pets.

We hope you’ll have a safe 4th of July and keep your beloved pets safe too.  Here are some links with important tips to keep your pets safe during the holiday.

Why Are Dogs Scared of Fireworks? 11 Things You Should Know.

Fourth of July Safety Tips

How to help dogs and other pets avoid freaking out over fireworks and holiday chaos

July 4th Safety

Fireworks and Pets Don’t Mix
